Payment Methods

Payment methods

Here at Koopora we work with different payment methods.

After choosing the products and finalizing your purchase, choose an available payment method, which can be: Credit Card, Bank Slip or Pix. If you choose the payment method via Credit Card, you will need to provide the data described in your chosen card to make the purchase.

For your security, if there is any discrepancy in registration and payment information, we will contact you. It is important to inform you that your credit card has a purchase limit established by the administrator.

Payment by Credit Card in up to 12 installments with minimum installments of R$10.00.

Bank slip and PIX in cash.


Even if you choose to pay in several installments, remember that the total amount of the purchase must be within the credit limit available on your card. If the limit is exceeded, the order will not be approved by the card administrator and, in this case, you will be informed by email. You can contact the administrator to request an increase in your limit, or redo the order in installments with another card.

When your card administrator detects any discrepancy, we will inform you immediately. In this case, for your security, we will contact you to confirm the data and proceed with your order. The delivery period for the purchase only begins after the payment has been approved by the card administrator. You will be informed by email or WhatsApp.

If you have any questions, we are available by email at or via chat during opening hours: Monday to Saturday, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.